I am a multidisciplinary process-based concept artist. Most pieces meet at an intersection of painting, sculpture, installation, and performance. My work primarily focuses on relationships, addiction, obsession, the aftermath of tragedy, and the complexities of healing. Through intentional triggering of senses and primordial reflexes, I materialize complex psychological experiences and mind-states. Other avenues of exploration work from premeditated formulas. I use these to remove meaning from selected materials, and shift their existences into elements of composition that are removed from purpose. These modes of making run parallel to each other, one being emotionally invested, and one being detached, but with both addressing the same topics.

A compulsion to analyze the past drives the conceptualization of many pieces. Within this, memories, idolization, and cognitive cycles are deconstructed into seconds, or specific feelings. These fragments are hyper-analyzed and expounded upon until they can take on life of their own- separate from their origins. Materials used are more often than not collected, rather than acquired. I have personal affiliations with many of these collections, transcending objecthood, yet depersonalized to the role of an ingredient. Other materials include industrial building components and traditional crafting supplies. These materials present themselves as a reaction to each piece’s concept. Due to this hierarchy, material investigation becomes a large part of my process. This exploration is just as predominant as the concepts themselves. This serves to balance the work. Though I explore heavy topics, there is undeniable playfulness that shows through. My work is meant to be something others can draw their own meaning from, and relate to through their own experiences without context.